Emergency HEAP Press Release
Community Needs Assessment Survey
Delaware Opportunities is currently assessing the needs of low income residents in Delaware County. Your input is needed to assist in telling us what your needs are, if we have met your needs, and where we can improve. Taking this survey will allow us to compile all data collected and create a needs assessment to help us do our job better. The survey is anonymous. Thank you for your help!
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QPRHVBJ (this survey is just for Delaware County residents)
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QHRPWHX (this survey is for Delaware, Greene and Ulster County residents)
Family Fun Festival
Attention Service Providers! If you would like a table at Delaware Opportunities' Family Fun Festival 2024, please sign up by scanning the QR code on the flyer or by clicking here.
Franklin Head Start Hosts Open House!
Board Election March 2024
BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION: As a Community Action Agency, Delaware Opportunities Inc. is required to have 1/3 of its board of directors represent low-income constituencies. These representatives must be democratically selected.
Delaware Opportunities Inc. has one candidate on this ballot. If you would like to vote for this candidate, please follow the link and complete the ballot. Deadline to vote is 03.18.2024.
2024 Distribution Information
These are the official Food Distribution dates for 2024! Please note that the Hamden Food Pantry will be CLOSED on all distribution dates. Additionally, you MUST bring your confirmation number with you when picking up food. If you are picking up for a friend or family member, you must have their confirmation number with you as well. If you have any food/distribution-related questions, please contact Kelly at (607) 746-1685.
October 2023 HEAP Update
Upcoming Election
Panera Bread Fundraiser for Delaware Opportunities
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