Assists low income families in creating a goal plan to work towards self-sufficiency. Supports families and provides information, encouragement and referrals to services based on individual goals.
Family Development is a voluntary, home-visiting, strength-based program that assists families in obtaining self- sufficiency. The Family Development Program assists families with finding employment, stable, affordable housing, healthcare and reliable childcare. This program also provides support and advocacy to the families they work with and assists in filling out applications to needed services (HUD, PA/TANF, SNAP for example). This program can also work with families on budgeting, and can at times provide transportation to seek employment and housing.
A “family” can consist of a single individual, a couple with no children, a couple with children, single parents, parents with children in foster care, etc. Income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. At least one adult in the home has to be employable. They do not have to be employed, but must be able to work.
Kirstie Mattson, Family Development Specialist: (607) 746-1716