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Help With The Cost of Child Care

Choosing a child care program is one of the most difficult decisions a parent has to make. Safe positive child care sets the stage for healthy growth and development. Child care costs can be expensive.  The following child care assistance programs may help with the high cost of child care: 

Child Care Assistance Program

The Child Day Care Assistance Program offers eligible households assistance with child care costs.   Eligible households are those in which the parent(s) are working or attending high school and meet the income guidelines as well as other eligibility criteria listed in the Child Care Assistance application.

To determine if a family meets the program requirements, information including proof of income, work schedule and residence, is collected through the application process. You can call or email the CCR&R office to request an application to be mailed, stop in at the CCR&R office to pick up an application or view and print the application and other forms below.   

The child care provider selected by the family must be a registered or licensed child care program or an approved legally-exempt child care provider(s).  For example you may choose from licensed daycare centers, registered family day care providers or approved friends, neighbors, or relatives.
A weekly family share, based on your gross income and family size must be paid to the child care provider as well as any difference in the child care provider’s fee and the payment received through the child care assistance program.  The assistance payment is the child care market rate minus the parent fee.

The child care assistance is paid monthly to the child care provider.

Approved households must recertify every six months. 
You are guaranteed child care assistance if you are receiving NYS Temporary Assistance (TA) and need child care in order to meet any work participation requirements.  You are also guaranteed child care assistance for one year after your TA ends if it was ended because you found employment and need child care to go to work.

Child Care Assistance Income Guidelines

The following are the standards to be used effective June 1, 2024, in determining eligibility for services provided.  Click here to see the 2024 Guidelines/Day Care Subsidies.

Current Income Guidelines for the Child Care Assistance Program

To request an application or for more information contact:
Delaware Opportunities Child Care Assistance Program
35430 State Hwy. 10
Hamden, NY 13782
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8AM-4PM
607-746-1620 or toll free 1-877-746-2279
Fax: 607-746-1648

Application and Forms:

  • To view and print the Child Care Assistance Application click here
  • To view and print the Enrollment Form and Instructions for Legally Exempt Providers click here.
  • To view and print the Required Forms and Clearance List for Legally Exempt Providers click here.
  • Click here to learn about the Required Training and Background Checks.
  • To view Legally Exempt Market Rates click here
  • To view and print the Time Sheet click here.

If you have any questions on how to complete the application, enrollment form or the attendance sheet contact at 607-746-1620 or by email at

Visit the Office of Children and Family Services for additional information on child care assistance.

If you do not qualify for childcare assistance under the income guidelines as listed above, see below:

Child Care Scholarship Program

The WDI Child Care Scholarship Program funding is for qualified families who are ineligible for their local County Child Care Assistance Program funding. There is limited capacity and funding for the scholarship program. Applicants may be placed on a waitlist pending openings by region.
To see if you qualify, click on the link below:

  • Child Care Program Assistance- ask your child care provider if they offer scholarships, multi-child discounts or a sliding fee scale.
  • Employer/College Support— ask your employer if they provide child care scholarships,discounts to certain programs or on-site child care at reduced rates.  Colleges or universities may also have programs to help with child care costs.
  • Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Program – Public schools and some child care settings offer pre-kindergarten programs during school hours.  Check with your local school district or child care programs to see if they offer a free or low cost pre-kindergarten program for your 3 or 4 year old.
  • Head Start—Head Start is a federal full or part day program that provides free early education to preschool children for income eligible families. To find out if your child is eligible for Head Start contact Delaware Opportunities Inc. at 607-746-1641 or visit their web page.


-Federal Earned Income Tax Credit—The federal Earned Income Tax Credit is designed to boost the wages of working families. You may be eligible if you are working and make less than a certain amount of money based on your family size.  For more information on eligibility requirements for the Federal Earned Earned Income Tax Credit visit The National Women’s Law Center or the Internal Revenue Service.

-Federal Child Tax Credit- The federal Child Tax Credit is designed to offset some of the costs of raising children. You may be eligible for the federal child tax credit if  you have a dependent child under age 17, and if your adjusted gross income is below specified limits, depending on filing status and number of qualifying children. For more information or eligibility requirements needed to qualify for Federal Child Tax Credit visit The National Women’s Law Center or the Internal Revenue Service website.

-Federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit- The federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit provides up to a certain amount of money in tax assistance to families who pay for care for a qualifying child or dependent in order to work in paid employment. The amount of the credit is based on the family's income, the number of the family’s dependents in care, and the amount the family pays for the care. Families of all income levels are eligible. In general, the higher the child care expenses and the lower the family’s income, the larger the family’s credit. For more information on the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit visit The National Women’s Law Center or the Internal Revenue Service website.

-New York State Earned Income and Dependent Care Tax Credits— NYS offer their own Earned Income and Child and Dependent Care tax credits.  To learn about eligibility requirements or find tax forms visit:
New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Earned Income Credit

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Child and Dependent Care Credit