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Program Description

Section 8 is a rental subsidy program funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development designed to help low income single persons and families pay their rent, thus allowing them to live in safe, sanitary and healthy conditions. Qualified tenants are required to pay at least 30% of their income towards their rent and utilities and HUD will pick up the rest in the form of a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) that is mailed directly to the landlord around the first of each month. The landlord and tenant must enter into a lease and a Housing Assistance Payments contract. There are strict guidelines designed to protect the tenant, landlord, and the rental unit. The prospective tenant is encouraged to do as much as possible to find their own housing and work out the arrangements with the landlord.

  • For assistance in determining income eligibility you may call our office.
  • Applications will be processed in a “first come, first serve” basis in order of date and time of completed application.
  • Any type of rental property from single family dwellings to apartment houses is eligible, including manufactured homes.

Virginia Perez: (607) 746-1655
Helen Adams: (607) 746-1656