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Program Description

Head Start is a federally funded program for children ages three to five. It is designed to help preschool children of income eligible families by providing a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional and psychological needs and to prepare the children for a successful transition to the public school. Parents are the most important influence on a child's growth and development. We seek to support parents in this role, and to implement an educational program for children and parents geared to fostering a positive outlook toward education, self-concept, and competency. Our Head Start Program offers both center based and home based options. The center based option offers a four or five day program. In the home based program, the teacher works with the parent and child in the home once a week, with the child attending center two times per month for peer experience. Free bus transportation is available within the service area.

  • Nutrition--Good nutrition is stressed in classroom activities, parent workshops and by serving breakfast and lunch daily.
  • Health--Preventive health education is central to Head Start's comprehensive array of supports. Early identification of health related needs ensures that each child receives medical, dental, mental health and nutrition care.
  • Parent Participation--Varied opportunities for parents to take an active part by volunteering in the classroom, voting on program issues and participating in parent training programs.
  • Family Services--Assisting families to help themselves by providing information resources, referrals and support in obtaining their goals.
  • Disabilities--Aiding parents in referral to local CSPE Committee. Going over evaluation with parents when completed. Inclusion in all center areas and activities. Receiving therapy services in center when appropriate. Advocacy for child and family.
  • Child Development and School Readiness--Engaging children's minds through a variety of stimulating activities geared to each child's strengths and needs in order to prepare them for success as they move on to a formal school setting. In order for us to prepare the children in our program for school we need to have expectations and goals that gauge the children's progression and mastery across the five broad and interrelated learning goal areas. They are Communication, Language and Literacy; Cognition and Knowledge of the World; Approaches to Learning; Physical Development and Health; and Social and Emotional Development. By planning to integrate these domains and planning for the children based on their individuality we will improve the children's school readiness in compliance with New York State's Early Learning Goals and the Common Core.

Enrollment--Children must have a record of up-to-date immunizations.A physical and dental examination are required before the child's first day in the program. Income eligibility guidelines are set by the Department of Health and Human Services. There is no charge to families of children attending Head Start. Head Start serves children with disabilities in an inclusive setting. Transportation isprovided to all children living on the bus run.

Head Start Centers

  • Arkville (845) 586-4002 -- Full Day Classroom
  • Davenport 607-278-6020 -- Full Day Classroom
  • Delhi (607) 746-6591 -- Full Day Classroom
  • Deposit (607) 467-3505 -- Full Day Classroom 
  • Fishs Eddy (607) 422-3013 -- Full Day Classroom
  • Franklin (607) 829-3312 -- Full Day Classroom
  • Hobart (607) 538-3088 -- Full Day Classroom -- License in process
  • Sidney (607) 561-2341 -- Full Day and Part Day Classrooms
  • Walton (607) 865-6319 -- Full Day and Part Day Classrooms

Donations. Donations of classroom supplies (paper, paint, glue, large crayons and pencils, manipulatives, etc.) as well as monetary donations toward classroom activities (field trips) are greatly appreciated.


Income guidelines are 100% of poverty level. All interested are encouraged to apply, regardless of income, as we are allowed a limited number of over-income slots. The child must be three years of age by December 1 of the current year to participate. If the child turns three after December 1, they may start on their birthday if a slot is available. Please send the following with your application: proof of income for the past twelve months; copy of child's birth certificate and copy of child's security card.


This website is supported by Grant Number 02CH011963-05-00 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Delaware Opportunities Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

Katrina Worden, Family Services Manager:
Allison Davis, Health Services Manager:
Nicole Possemato, Children's Services Manager:
Amy Burns, Children's Services Coordinator:
(607) 746-1640